Do you want to give your doll’s a memorable Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day so they can look back fondly on their photos from when they first got together? Or maybe you just want some crafting to do with your kids for Valentine’s Day? Whatever your reason, I’ve got plenty of free resources and tips for crafting and creating a fun Valentine’s Day photoshoot for your dolls. I’ll show you how to make a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You can download printable Valentine’s Day cards and wrapping paper, decorations (at 1/6 for Barbie dolls and 1/12 scale for doll houses) and download some photo backdrops and photo props.
Step 1: Make a doll size bouquet of flowers
This is a quick and easy Valentine’s day craft. All you need are some paper craft flowers or small artificial flowers (mine were from The Range), some brown paper (like an envelope or cut up a paper bag), some tissue paper, scraps of ribbon and string or wool for tying the bouquet. Cut the flowers to a similar length using wire cutters. Arrange them into a nice bouquet. Wrap wire or string around the stems to hold the stems together. Cut two rectangles, one from brown paper and one from tissue paper, approx. 11 x 15 cm. Fold the tissue paper and brown paper at an angle so there are ‘peaks’ at the top. Then wrap the tissue paper around the bouquet and then the brown paper over the top. Scrunch the bottom of the paper and secure tightly with ribbon. Burlap with lace makes a pretty alternative to the brown paper. To watch a video of how to make the bouquet, check out my Instagram reels.

Step 2: Print cards and wrapping paper
Download and print out the Valentine’s day cards and wrapping paper (download button below). There are two scales included – the larger one is 1/6 scale for fashion dolls, like Barbie and Sindy. The other is 1/12 which is a dolls house scale. Write cute messages in the Valentine’s Day cards. Cut out the banner and use a needle and thread to hang each letter. Cut out the hearts and use a needle and thread to hang them vertically (or you could thread them horizontally). Wrap up fake presents with the wrapping paper (or a real mini present – Mini-Brands are great for doll presents).

Step 3: Print backgrounds and props
I’ve put together a selection of background papers and props. Download (below) and print them out. To create a pretty backdrop, tape 4 background paper sheets together on a larger piece of cardboard. Cut out the lollipop hearts and stick them onto cut down Q-tip sticks.

Step 4: Get your dolls ready
Dress your dolls in their best photogenic couples outfits. Try and pick a colour palette which goes well with, or includes, pink or red. Think about the colours look good on your dolls (do a bit of colour analysis and see what season they are!). Match outfits for couples where possible. Brush and style their hair and accessorise with heart shaped sunnies or anything else you have that fits the theme.

Step 5: Prep for your photoshoot
Start with a bit of research. Get on Pinterest and search for things like ‘couples photoshoot’ ‘valentines photoshoot’ – you get the idea. Look at the props, backgrounds and poses to see which ones you can try and replicate with your dolls. Some dolls are more poseable than others, so you’ll have to work with their limitations, which may rule out some poses that we humans can do with ease.

You don’t need a load of furniture to do a good photoshoot, but if you do have some then think about how you can incorporate it. I used a vintage Sindy dressing table and mirror and it worked really nicely with her reflection in the mirror. Another trick is to throw a bit of fabric over a low box to act as a bed or for sitting poses. Have some sticky tape, blue tac and small clear elastic bands to hand for holding things in place or helping your dolls hold the props.

Step 6: Lights, camera and action
So you’ve done your research, got your set and props ready, dolls dolled up and you’re ready to go. But wait, what’s that bright sunshine streaming through the window? Natural light is the best for photography, but avoid direct sunlight. If you’re getting lots of shadows, then deflect the light by using a large piece of white card placed opposite the light source.

Pose your dolls carefully, paying attention to where they are looking (try and get their eyes meeting for face to face poses). Make sure hands are touching to make the photos look intimate and realistic. Stopping them falling over is a challenge – I found getting the guy standing up first helped, as their larger feet make them a bit more stable. Trainers are better for stability than heels on dolls with jointed ankles.
If you want to achieve a good composition for your photos, pay attention to the ‘rule of thirds’. Use the grid on your phone which divides your screen into nine parts. Place your doll on the intersection of the lines – so they are off-centre rather than in the middle of the image.
Step 7: Editing tips
Editing photos is essential. There are lots of free apps you can use. My personal favourite is A Color Story as it’s easy to use and has some lovely filters which can be easily layered.

Have fun with your Valentine’s Day doll photoshoot and don’t forget to share your pics on Instagram and tag me @galaxiadolls or use the tag #galaxiadolls.