Cute accessories are a must for any doll, and this DIY faux leather cross body bag is easy to make yourself. Follow the instructions below and give it a go! You can choose whatever colour faux leather will match your doll’s favourite outfit, and make it whatever size you want to suit your doll.

What you need:
- Thin Faux leather – I used the Rico Synthetic Leather Pack, which comes with a mix of lovely colours.
- Cord (long enough for your strap)
- A shiny round bead
- Thread – I used a contrasting pink which matched my strap.
- Glue
How to make your bag:
Decide on the finished size of your bag – the one I made is 4.5 cm wide x 4 cm high. Download the template. If you want a larger or smaller bag, then use your printer settings to enlarge or shrink the pattern before you print it out. Then use the template to cut out your faux leather fabric.

Fold the bag in half and fold the flap over. Cut your cord to the desired length for the strap. Use a sturdy needle to oversew up each side of the bag, sewing through each end of the cord when you reach the top of the bag. You can also add a bit of glue inside to really secure the cord in place.
Next, sew your bead to the front of the bag, and made a small hole in the front flap, just big enough for the bead to fit through. And then you’re done making your very own faux leather doll bag!

Happy Making! Follow me on Instagram to keep up to date with my latest doll DIYs.
Claire x