All this quick craft project needs is some Easter craft supplies, a glue gun and about 15 minutes of your time to make this adorable mini Easter wreath for your dolls. Why not give it a go today? It’s a perfect size for Barbie and Sindy dolls. It could be easily up sized for larger dolls. The only thing these two are missing is a suitably sized door…maybe a project for another day!

- Pack of polystyrene mini wreaths (approx. 7cm diameter)
- Wool (each wreath needs about 6m) – pale green or other Spring colours
- Pompoms in Spring colours (approx. 1cm, 12 per wreath)
- Ribbon to match pompoms (15cm per wreath)
- Small bows to match ribbon (1 per wreath)
- Paper flowers in Spring colours (10 per wreath)
- Wooden bunny shapes (approx. 4cm height)
- Glue gun or strong glue
- Needle (big enough to thread your wool through)

My supplies were all purchased at The Range, with the pompoms, ribbon and bows all from the ‘Violet Studio’ range. I have a stash of wool so didn’t need to buy any. I’ve also seen an Easter craft kit on Etsy from LuluscraftshopUK which includes the wreaths, wool, ribbons and flowers. The Works also have the wreaths available at the moment and are good for general craft supplies. If you stick with pastel pinks, blues, and greens with a pop of yellow, then you’ll get a Spring vibe going on.
How to make your mini Easter wreath
Cut a 6m length of wool and wrap it into a mini ball – so it can fit through the middle of your wreath. Tie one end around your wreath. Next, wrap the wool around the wreath (covering any loose ends of wool) – until it is completely covered. To tie off the end, thread the needle with the end of the wool and thread it under the already wrapped wool.

Next, glue your wooden bunny (you could also use another Easter shape – like a cute Chick) to the bottom centre of the wreath. Pick out the pompom and flowers you want to use – at least two of each colour. Next glue your pompoms in place either side of the bunny. I added more on the left side as I wanted a slightly asymmetrical look. Then glue the flowers in between the pompoms. Glue a bow on the front at the top and a folded ribbon at the back. Then you’re done and can hang your pretty wreath on your doll house door!

I hope you have fun making your mini Easter wreath! I’d love to see what you’ve made – share your pictures using #galaxiadolls on Instagram.
Claire x
I like sharing my craft tutorials for free, but if you want to say thank you then please buy me a coffee!